- Written by expert English as a Second Language authors and edited by a senior examiner.
- provides in-depth coverage of every aspect of the latest Cambridge IGCSE® English as a Second Language 0510/0511 syllabus for examination from 2019 onwards.
- Student Book combines a coursebook full of authentic and engaging topics and texts and exam preparation and skills practice all in one
- Support for Core and Extended candidates with Going Further features throughout the
Student Book, practice exam-style questions and sample student answers at both Core
and Extended in the Student Book, and ideas for differentiation in the Teacher Guide - Engage students with a rich variety of authentic texts and audio (CD-ROM accompanies
the Student Book and Teacher Guide) with a global, multicultural focus - Further practice for exam and exam-related skills in the write-in Student Workbook
- Additional listening, reading, grammar, and vocabulary practice via Collins Connect online platform to further embed the key language from the course. Exercises are auto-marked and are linked to a diagnostic tool that advises on areas for review if needed.